Position Papers
Publications "Green Hydrogen and Power-to-X"
GISOENA: Gasinfrastruktur Südosteuropa und Nordafrika
Standardizing Hydrogen Certification: Enhance Traceability, Transparency, and Market Access
H2Global Stiftung Policy Brief 05/2023
Certification and Guarantees of Origin for imported green hydrogen and PtX products
Financing of PtX Projects in Non-OECD Products
Assessment of Emission Rights of Green PtX
Site-specific, comparative analysis for suitable Power-to-X pathways and products in developing and emerging countries
A legal analysis of specific variants for financing PtX CfD windows
Involvement of developing and emerging economies in the power-to-X market ramp-up
Hydrogen and Market „Ramp Up” – Phases and Target Models
H2Global Stiftung Policy Brief 04/2023
Commercial Interfaces as a Challenge for the Build-Up of hydrogen Supply Chains
H2Global Stiftung Policy Brief 03/2023
Policy Briefs
Standardizing Hydrogen Certification: Enhance Traceability, Transparency, and Market Access
H2Global Stiftung Policy Brief 05/2023
Hydrogen and Market „Ramp Up” – Phases and Target Models
H2Global Stiftung Policy Brief 04/2023
Commercial Interfaces as a Challenge for the Build-Up of hydrogen Supply Chains
H2Global Stiftung Policy Brief 03/2023
H2Global – Idea, Instrument and Intentions
H2Global Stiftung Policy Brief 01+02/2022